United Way St. Croix Valley Receives $100,000 to Support Healthy & Affordable Housing 

United Way St. Croix Valley (UWSCV) has been named a recipient of a Mobilizing Communities for a Just Response grant through the Wisconsin Department of Health Services in the amount of $100,000. These funds will be used to support activities related to capacity building and advocacy to increase access to healthy, affordable and adequate housing in St. Croix and Pierce Counties.  

United Way St. Croix Valley has been a trusted partner in identifying and addressing emergent community needs throughout the St. Croix Valley area for over 40 years. In collaboration with the Healthier Together Pierce & St. Croix Counties coalition and numerous community partners, UWSCV has identified access to quality, affordable housing as an emerging need in our communities. Housing access is a key driver in numerous health-related outcomes, and yet the most recent United Way ALICE report shows that one-third of Wisconsin households struggle to afford basic necessities, including housing.  

“We recognize that safe, adequate and affordable housing is critical to the wellbeing of our communities,” Says UWSCV’s 211 Community Impact Director, Alyson Sauter. “This is an incredible opportunity for United Way St. Croix Valley to continue to serve as a leader in addressing the greatest needs of our communities by taking measurable action to increase our capacity to reduce barriers”.  

In addition to stakeholder engagement, including those with lived experience and community partners engaged in housing-related work, UWSCV will be consulting with the Build Healthy Places Network to conduct a bi-county policy scan and data collection. In partnership with Healthier Together Pierce & St. Croix Counties, UWSCV aims to increase the capacity of the coalition to advocate for policies and practices that support access to healthy and affordable housing.